Anyware Web Design Tips:-
Video's Greatest Super Power:
Customer Engagement
We have looked at why have a video and the benefits of video for Brand Awareness.
Video's greatest superpower must be Customer Engagement & Interest.
Customer Engagement & Interest
- People have short attention spans, especially online. A video can make any information on your product/service vivid, clear and quick. An introductory video can make an easy and interesting way to provide your visitors with an understanding of what your company does without them having to read a whole bunch of text. It will also helps them to engage and connect more powerfully with yourself and your company.
- As well as making a first good impression, a 1-2 minute video will keep visitors on your site for well after the initial 10 seconds usual Bounce Rate, making them more likely to view your site further or buy something.
- According to "approximately 30% of page visitors watch introductory videos and 50% of those viewers watch the video in its entirety".
- Words can be detached and distant. Video is intimate, making visitors feel as if you are next door.
- Many people are visual learners, for a variety of reasons. A video can ensure that, as well as the text on your web site, you cater for those who prefer to learn in pictures. You would not want to ignore a segment of potential clients
- I use my own videos to explain concepts to clients. I’ve sat with people who happily sit for five minutes and watch my video from end to end. I’ve tried to get people to read the same article. It would take 2 minutes but they never finish. Never! I love video!
We cannot ever undervalue the “one view” that could lead us to a big sale.
In the words of Gary Vaynerchuk:
1 > 0
(Gary Vaynerchuk is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal Best-Selling author, and innovative entrepreneur.)
What could one view from the right person lead to for you?
Happy Marketing,
P.S. If you'd like a hand to get your first video up and running we have some simple video packages to make it easy for you.
Contact us to make it easy.