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Building Trust in the Sale Process
September 2011

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In these turbulent times, how can you distinguish yourself from your competitors and increase your sales?

Let's look at one often overlooked area- Gaining your prospects' trust


Dart hits bullseye

 I've touched on this subject before and I'm revisiting it again because it's so important for your sales to be successful.

In a nutshell new prospects and existing clients will not buy from you unless there is complete TRUST between you and your client and between the client and your Company.   


Sounds simple doesn't it? However, how many times have you lost a client and you scratch your head and wonder why. Then you get a fluffy excuse if you actually dare ask.  Chances are the trust factor either didn't exist or was diluted enough for the client to go elsewhere.

Trust is something you earn and without trust you have no rapport and your sales fail.

So how do you achieve trust with your clients?   


Trust comes from building rapport.  NLP experts say that our body image speaks louder than our words, especially when referring to building a rapport with a client.  Body language attributes to 70% of rapport building while verbal tonality accounts for only 23% and lastly the actual words used are a very low 7% of the whole package.

Face to face meetings are the best channel for creating rapport and trust, however what if your Prospect has already "met you" before that first crucial meeting?   Have you thought about the power of introducing yourself via a simple video clip on your web site, where you introduce yourself and your Company to your hot prospect?   


What impact will this have? How do you think the first meeting will succeed if your prospect has already met you via video and heard you promote your Company vision and the benefits you can deliver to them as a new client?  

Anyware has developed aVideo Package productto assist you with building trust and rapport with your clients.  It can be scripted, recorded and loaded onto your web site to ensure you never again lose a prospect opportunity through lack of rapport or trust with your leads and clients.   

See how we do it here, then think how you could develop a similar video clip for your business.  We can help you along every step of the process.  What revenue is at risk within your business if trust is compromised and your clients feel unloved and unimportant?  Contact us nowto see how we can help you with video marketing. You can also see aportfolio of some some of the websites we have built.


Until next month take care out there and we would love to hear any feed back you have on our efforts to build rapport with you.Leave us a comment on our blog


Anyware's Caped Crusader of SalesMike
Anyware's Caped Crusader of Sales

Contact Us

Phone (04) 939 1708


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