The greatest compliment you can get about your web site is from your best customer just after they bought something.
It goes something like this: "finding the information I was looking for on your web site was a piece of cake".
Your home page is the first step to getting more compliments like that.
You need to get your best customers attention, prove to them they are in the right place and guide them to the next step.
Who are your best customers?
Identify who your ideal customers are before you try to sell anything. Is it people who own a pre-1950's house in Kelburn, professionals struggling to find 2 hours to ride their mountain bike on Saturdays, or mums who want their baby to wear 100% natural fabrics?
You wouldn't try to sell 18 year old scotch to a homeless guy, and neither should you try to sell your product or service to anyone and everyone.
What's the most important thing to your best customers?
You have a few short seconds to grab the attention of your busy and impatient future customer.
Simply tell them all about yourself and your product and you're guaranteed to lose their interest faster than you can say 'click here to visit the competition'.
Show them the thing that is most important to them and you will grab their attention and compel them to read on.
Are they looking for a warm, draft free home? Or maybe an easy to organise way to ride their mountain bike in an interesting new place every week? Or perhaps a wide range of natural fibre baby clothing.
Understand them and show them what they want and you're half way to the sale.
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