Anyware Web Design and Marketing

Anyware's Google Adwords Snapshot Help

Your Google Adwords snapshot is a quick summary of all the key metrics for your Google Adwords account from the last month. It is designed to be a quick read that's easy to digest so you can quickly and easily stay in touch with what's happening with your Adwords campaign each month.


Google Adwords Summary Graph

This graph gives an overview of the number of impressions, clicks and conversions over the past month. The table below it shows the figures. See the glossary below for detailed explanations for each column.

Top Keywords (Last Month) & Top Keywords (All Time)

Keyword Quality Score Impressions Clicks Conversions Average Position
electrician wellington 6 1328 5 0 4.1
wellington electrician 7 1896 6 1 3.3
residential electrician 5 2036 10 1 3.8

The top keyword reports show your keywords that performed best over the last month and since your campaign began.

Top Ad (Last Month)

Wellington Electrician Impressions: 2762
Reliable Electrician who leaves Clicks: 37
your home tidier than they found it.          Conversions: 3 Average Position:     4.3

This is your best performing ad from the last month.



The number of times your ad appeared in search results.


The number of times your ad was clicked (and the prospect visited your web site). 


The number of times a click resulted in a web site enquiry (excludes phone calls).


The number of time a searched clicked and called your phone number from a Google Ad.

Average Position

The average position of your ads. 3.5 is ideal (just above the organic results).

Quality Score

1 is very low quality, 10 is perfect (almost unacheivable). Higher Quality Scores typically lead to lower costs and better ad positions.

Google determines the quality score based on an estimate of of how relevant your ads, keywords, and landing page are to a person seeing your ad. Improving quality scores is part of our optimisation process. This does take time (and hence cost) so we aim for a cost effective balance of time spend improving quality scores and other equally important aspects of optimisation.

Learn more about Quality Score

Frequently Asked Questions

Conversions are lower than I would expect - has my campaign failed?

Not neccessarily. Types of conversions that Adwords CAN measure include the following:

Types of conversions that Adwords CANNOT measure include the following:

The last scenario is more common than you would think. The more often a prospect sees your brand the more likely they are to convert. It's common for prospects to visit you and several of your competitors via Adwords, then search again and visit the businesses they find in the organic search results. They may even come back days or weeks later and do it over again. If they happen to see your sign written vehicle, hear your ad on the radio and/or read your ad in the newspaper in between then you're more likely to get the conversion/enquiry. You're also more liklely to have trouble tracking the source of the enquiry!

We've noticed that when we run an Adwords campaign for web sites that sell online, sales increase but the sales are not always atttributed to Adwords. This is because people see your Ad, they visit your web site and then go away and think about it. They often come back later and make an enquiry (i.e. a conversion) but it can't be attributed to the Adwords campaign.

The most effective method we know of to measure the success of your adwords campaign (and all your marketing) is to ask each new prospect these 2 questions:

Our experience is that people are happy to provide this info.

How Can I Get More Conversions?

If your conversions show as zero, please check with us when (and if) your conversion tracking for Adwords was set up. It may not have had time to count them yet.

If they are not zero but still too low, please call us. While there is no magic bullet, we have a process for evaluating and improving your web site's sales funnel with a view to improving conversions. This usually begins with our Annual Review of your web site, which we do annually whether you ask for it or not.

Why is an average position of 3.5 ideal?

Paid search results (your ads) are shown above organic search results and most people know this so they ignore the paid ads and look for the first organic result at number 5. The rationale is "I want to use the company that deserves to be at #1, not the company that paid to be at #1".

Google rotate your ads, swapping them around with your competitors based on a plethora of changing criteria. Most advertisers try to get the top position (#1) in paid ads because "first is best"and to do that you have to place the highest bid (i.e. pay more than your competitors for clicks). At Anyware we want your ads to appear just above where people are looking, i..e the 4th paid entry. Part of our optimisation process is that we aim for an average position of 3.5 so that most of the time your ads are displayed at #3 or #4. While it's ok for your ads to be shown at other positions, an average of 3.5 will give you good exposure (i.e. closest to where people are looking) for a lower cost.

How Many Keywords Should I Target?

When we create your Adwords campaign we will set up as many keywords as your budget allows. Our optimisation process includes keywords, ad copy, extensions, tracking and other things, each of which takes time. If your budget is low we'll start with one or two keywords, ensure the ads are reasonably well optimised and then build them up and optimise further over time.

In terms of the hours we can spend optimising your campaign, a low budget is anything under $300/month.

What Should I Do Next?

Understanding your web site's performance is the first step to improving it. Since you have read this far you are one the right track - now contact us and let's keep the momentum going!


